Free TikTok Influencer Search Tool | Guideline

Over the past few years, TikTok has exploded in popularity and become one of the main platforms for influencer marketing. The short video format allows creators to build huge audiences quickly. For brands, partnering with relevant TikTok influencers provides an authentic way to reach younger demographics.

But with so many options, identifying the right TikTok influencers for your brand can be challenging. This is where free TikTok influencer search tools come in handy. Below we’ll discuss what are TikTok influencer search tools and which free tools we think you should be using in 2024.

Free TikTok Influencer Search Tool

What Are TikTok Influencer Search Tools?

TikTok influencer search tools are platforms designed to help you discover and evaluate TikTok creators based on criteria like niche, demographics, engagement metrics, and more. Paid tools offer robust analytics and reporting, while free tools provide basic search functions and limited profile data. Free options are a great starting point for brands new to TikTok influencer marketing.

The benefits of using search tools include:

  • Save time finding potential influencer partners rather than manually searching
  • Filter by relevant criteria like followers, engagement, niche/category
  • Analyze audience demographics, content style, and brand partnerships
  • Determine authenticity and brand alignment
  • Prioritize outreach efforts based on tool insights

Let’s now take a look at the free basic tools to discover TikTok influencers. Later on we’ll also cover more advanced options with limited free access.

Free Basic TikTok Influencer Discovery Tools

TikTok’s built-in search and discovery functions are a great starting point for initial influencer exploration.

TikTok Search Bar

Use TikTok’s search bar to find creators by keywords, hashtags, or sounds. For example, search for #bookreviewer or #BookTok to discover creators in the book community. Click hashtags from relevant videos to explore curated feeds of other posts using them.

Try searching for branded hashtag challenges like #WipeItDown or #EmilyInParis to see influencers who participated. TikTok’s trending search section also shows you current viral content ideas and top creators.

TikTok Discover Page

TikTok’s “Discover” page lets you browse popular creators, songs, hashtags, and effects. Scroll through category tabs like Food, Beauty, and Sports to find top influencers in those niches. The “For You” feed also provides personalized suggestions based on your interactions.


Outside of TikTok, Google search can help you find influencers talking about your brand or niche. Search phrases like “TikTok skincare influencers” or “TikTok influencers books.” Use tools like “site:” and “intitle:” to restrict results.

Social Listing Platforms

Social listening platforms like Buzzsumo, Moz, and Feedly allow setting up alerts for relevant keywords and hashtags. For example, create alerts for #BookTok to receive mentions in your feed. Analyze conversations around your niche to find emerging influencers.

The benefit of these basic search options is you can explore without needing accounts or subscriptions. But they require manual compiling of influencer lists instead of robust filtering and analytics. Use them for initial ideation before evaluating tools with more advanced features.

Advanced TikTok Influencer Search Tools With Limited Free Access

Influencer marketing platforms like Upfluence, AspireIQ, and Grin allow free sign-up and provide basic influencer search capabilities.


For example, Upfluence’s free account lets you browse and shortlist influencers in their database using filters like audience size, gender, and location. You can view profile info and contact details to judge fit. Upfluence also offers a free Chrome extension that assesses influencer authenticity while browsing Instagram and YouTube.


Analytics tools like HypeAuditor and Influenced have free tiers providing limited reports on Instagram and TikTok influencers. You can enter a profile to check metrics like follower demographics, engagement rates, and audience quality. This helps vet influencers before outreach.


Influencer marketplaces like Famebit allow brands to set campaign requirements that matching influencers can apply for. The free version only lets you view influencer listings without coordination features. Use to compile potential options before upgrading for outreach and negotiations.

While limited, these free tiers of paid tools offer helpful preliminary research capabilities if used strategically.

Community-Driven Influencer Databases

Independent platforms like Influencer Club and Traackr offer manually compiled public influencer databases that are free to browse.

For example, Traackr’s influencer discovery tool lets you search by criteria like location, topics, platform, and influence tier. You can filter TikTok micro or nano influencers in your region to find options.

Marketing groups like Viral Nation and Talent Village have public listings of vetted influencers searchable by category and demographics. Use these to supplement your own research.

Industry publications and review sites also often curate regional and niche-specific influencer directories. Browse options focused on your target customer base.

The benefit of community databases is tapping into the wisdom of influencer marketers familiar with relevant options. Cross-check promising leads against your own search tools.

How to Choose the Right Free Influencer Search Tool

Selecting the right free influencer search tool for your needs depends on several factors related to your campaign and target audience.

For example, let’s say you are a new yoga apparel brand looking to promote your launch on TikTok. Your goal is to find micro or nano wellness influencers with under 50k followers who can create branded content showcasing your clothes.

In this case, you may prioritize a tool like AspireIQ’s free version, which allows filtering TikTok influencers by follower count, topic, gender, and location. The data insights on audience demographics and engagement metrics will help assess lifestyle fit.

However, if you were an established beauty brand targeting mass reach, you may value tools like Upfluence and Grin that offer ways to sort and evaluate higher-tier influencers with larger followings. Their free tiers still allow shortlisting relevant influencers to approach.

For a local brick-and-mortar business, niche community databases like those from Viral Nation and Talent Village that compile regional influencers may prove most useful. Location and contextual fit take priority over big numbers.

Other Frequent Queries

What are some of the limitations of free influencer search tools?

Free tools often have limits on the number of searches you can run, profile data available, filtering options, and lack of campaign management and coordination features. They serve for initial research but paid upgrades offer more capabilities.

Should I rely solely on the free influencer search tools?

Free search tools are a great starting point but should be supplemented by direct TikTok profile vetting, social listening, and considering paid influencer marketing platforms for outreach and tracking. Cast a wide net.

How many influencers should I shortlist?

There are no hard rules but aim to shortlist at least 10-20% more influencers than you plan to contact to account for non-responders. Shortlist only those that closely fit your criteria.

What is the next step after searching for influencers?

The real work begins after identifying promising options. Reach out personally to shortlisted influencers to gauge interest and fit. Build relationships, discuss campaign details, negotiate contracts, and collaborate on content calendars.

How can I tell if an influencer’s audience is real?

Look for signs like consistent engagement rates, organic comments, multi-channel presence, and gradual follower growth. Many tools also offer authenticity checks and audience demographics.

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