How to Find a Manager as An Influencer?

In recent years, the influencer marketing industry has absolutely exploded. For influencers looking to elevate their careers, partnering with the right management can be a game-changer. But finding that ideal fit can feel overwhelming without insider knowledge.

Many influencers start out attempting to self-manage everything from content to brand deals. However, as their followings scale, the scope often becomes unmanageable. Bringing on a dedicated manager allows influencers to focus on their creative passions while managers handle negotiations and strategy.

After researching the ins and outs of the influencer management space, I’ve compiled my top tips for identifying the best partnership fit. Whether you’re an established influencer or just starting out, let’s explore how management can help take your career to the next level.

How to Find a Manager as An Influencer

How a Right Manager Can Help You to Grow Your Platform?

A good influencer manager acts as your agent, publicist, lawyer, and business strategist all rolled into one. Their varied skills and expertise can catapult your influencer career to new heights. Here are some of the key benefits of having a manager:

Increased brand partnerships and sponsorship opportunities

Managers utilize their industry connections to secure lucrative brand partnerships and sponsorship deals that match your niche and brand. Their negotiations on your behalf also help secure higher pay rates.

Higher earnings

In addition to negotiating higher pay for branded content, managers can provide guidance on diversifying your monetization strategy through avenues like digital products, affiliate marketing, speaking engagements, and more.

Brand building

Managers can help craft your brand strategy and messaging, ensuring consistency across channels. They advise on content creation, social media, PR opportunities, and more to build your authority.

Account management

Reliable managers handle administrative tasks like screening brand partnership inquiries, contract negotiations, accounting, analytics, and more to maximize your efficiency.

Strategic career growth

Experienced managers analyze your growth opportunities and create strategies to help you achieve your long-term career goals.

Having a dedicated manager to handle the business side of influencer marketing allows you to focus on creating great content while reaping the benefits of their expertise and connections.

What to Look for While Hiring Influencer Management?

Not all influencer managers are created equal. When researching management, keep the following top criteria in mind:


When researching potential influencer managers, prioritize those with ample industry experience specifically in the influencer marketing space. Ideally, look for managers with proven track records and success guiding influencer careers. They should be able to provide concrete case studies and client success stories to validate their expertise. Optimal managers will have experience managing influencers within your precise niche, whether it be travel, food, parenting, or another specialty area. Managers well-versed in your specific content vertical will have the most relevant connections and strategic insights to share.

Examine the caliber of past clients a prospective manager has worked with. An ideal management agency will have experience across the influencer spectrum, from nano influencers just starting out to mega influencers with celebrity status. This demonstrates their ability to scale their processes and strategic support according to the influencer’s current traction and goals.

Services Offered

When it comes to services, marketing managers at a minimum should offer core offerings like sponsorship outreach, contract negotiation, accounting support, rights management, and analytics reporting. Expanded service capabilities like PR representation, content production, branding guidance, graphic design, legal support, and business development consulting allow managers to provide more comprehensive and well-rounded guidance.

Be sure to ask managers about their specific client onboarding and goal-setting processes. Reputable agencies will take the time to develop customized growth blueprints tailored to each influencer’s niche, strengths, and aspirations. The ideal manager will act as a strategic partner beyond just securing sponsor deals but actively participating in your long-term career growth and brand elevation.


To assess a management agency’s reputation and results, start by verifying they have represented top-tier, successful influencer clients in the past. This serves as social proof of their capabilities and connections. An online search can provide press features on acclaimed influencer agencies, and details on any industry awards they have won for their work. Client testimonials and reviews on their website and cross-referenced on third-party review sites also provide transparency into past client satisfaction and experiences. If possible, request referrals to speak directly to former or current clients on their firsthand working relationship with the manager.

Communication Style

Communication and work preferences should also guide your management search. Convey your ideal communication frequency, the level of detail you expect in updates, and your preferred contact methods, whether email, phone, or in-person meetings. Look for responsive managers who can provide regular, detailed progress reports. Lack of proactive communication early on can signal challenges down the road.

Ultimately, you want to confirm your communication styles align. Collaborative, supportive managers are ideal over high-pressure salespeople. Find those who aim to develop a relationship beyond transactions, demonstrating authentic interest in you as an individual first.

How to Find the Best Fit for Your Influencer Management?

Finding the ideal influencer manager aligned with your brand and goals requires research and relationship building. Use these proven tips to connect with the right management partnership for your needs:


Attend influencer marketing conferences, events, and industry parties to connect face-to-face with potential managers. Come prepared with a polished elevator pitch summarizing your niche, unique value proposition, and career goals to make a strong first impression. Collect business cards from promising prospects at events, then follow up post-event via email to continue the relationship.

Online Platforms

Sites like Upfluence, Grin, and Speaker allow you to browse manager profiles specific to influencer marketing. You can directly contact managers through these platforms and even filter search options by factors like location, niche experience, past client tiers, and deal sizes to narrow options tailored to you. Schedule intro calls with your top prospects from online platforms to dive deeper into fit beyond the profiles. Ask how they would position you for growth and craft strategic roadmaps based on your niche, current audience size, preferred content formats, etc.

Social Media

Expand your manager search to social media by following influencer marketing hashtags like #InfluenceMarketing as well as hashtags specific to your niche. Identify managers actively posting, engaging, and repping influencers you already follow and admire. Don’t underestimate LinkedIn either—many official talent managers list their services and client rosters publicly.

Researching Niche-Specific Agencies

Google “[Your Niche] influencer management agency” or “[Your Niche] influencer manager” to find boutique agencies tailored to your specialty. These niche-specific firms often have the deepest category of connectedness and insider expertise. Local agencies near you are worth researching as well since having an in-person manager relationship can be beneficial.

Recommendations From Other Influencers

Speaking with fellow influencer colleagues who have managers can provide trusted referrals. Ask about their firsthand experiences working with their management teams and what aspects they value most from the partnership. If satisfied, request introductions to their managers if you feel they could be a good fit.

Taking the time to thoroughly research and meet with prospective managers will pay dividends in finding an ideal long-term partnership. Be selective—your manager will become an invaluable teammate in reaching your influencer goals and actualizing your brand vision. The right fit will feel like an instant connection.

Bonus Tips – How Much Do Influencers Pay Their Managers?

The amount that influencers pay their managers can vary, but the average management charge ranges from 10% to 20% of the brand deals. Some managers may ask for a monthly retainer, while others may negotiate a flat fee structure for specific projects. The compensation can depend on the manager’s experience, client base, and track record. Additionally, the industry, the extent of management, and the deal size can also influence the manager’s fee. For example, managers typically charge more for influencers in industries like tech than in the beauty industry. The manager’s salary may include a portion of each of the influencer’s deals, and influencers typically do not pay their managers out of pocket.


Finding the ideal influencer manager takes time and diligent research, but establishing the right partnership can pay dividends in unlocking new career opportunities. Look for managers with ample experience specifically in the influencer space, strong reputations, multifaceted service offerings, and clear communication styles.

Utilize networking events, online talent platforms, social media outreach, niche agencies, and peer recommendations to connect with potential matches. Approach the process selectively, keeping your brand vision and growth goals at the forefront when assessing fit. The perfect match will feel like an instant connection and invaluable career ally.

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