How to Find Amazon Influencer Storefronts?

Finding cool products from influencers can be tough with so much stuff on Amazon today. But no worries – I’m here to share easy tips on discovering popular Amazon storefronts run by your favorite creators and experts!

The quick answer is to search hashtags on social media, check live videos on Amazon, and use marketing platforms to find verified influencers. But there’s more to it, so read my guide to get the complete lowdown.

In a few clicks, I’ll walk you through how to land on awesome storefronts where influencers post gadget reviews, makeup tutorials, home decor hauls, and more niche finds. Trust me, it’s worth following a few of them to find the most useful, trendy stuff on Amazon through their eyes!

How to Find Amazon Influencer Storefronts

Finding Storefronts on Amazon

Here are the top ways to find influencer storefronts directly on the Amazon platform.

Using Amazon Live

Discover storefronts through live videos

Amazon Live ( is an interactive video streaming service where influencers can broadcast live to discuss and recommend different products available on Amazon. Viewers can easily browse and purchase the products shown by the influencer in real-time with just a click.

To find influencer storefronts –

  • In your browser’s address bar, simply type and press enter.
  • Browse through live streams by category, such as fashion, beauty, or tech.
  • Click on an influencer that interests you.
  • You’ll be automatically directed to their storefront.

The interactive nature of Amazon Live allows you to engage directly with influencers and buy what they are pushing without leaving the platform. From makeup to books to kitchenware, diverse categories of products get featured in livestreams.

Using Amazon Finds

Locate storefronts through labeled product recommendations

Influencers often use the hashtag #FoundItOnAmazon finds to showcase products they have discovered and recommend on Amazon.

Here are some tips to find influencer storefronts using Amazon Finds:

  • Search for #FoundItOnAmazon or search for
  • This will display a feed of product recommendations from various influencers
  • When you see a recommended product you like, click through to the item detail page
  • Scroll down and check under About This Item, it will show the influencer’s public profile
  • Visit the influencer’s profile to view their entire Amazon Storefront
  • Follow them on Amazon Finds to receive updates whenever they add new products

In some cases, the influencer may have a dedicated page on Amazon Finds. For example, @TheDesignGroup has a page that curates all their fashion finds in one place.

Using Amazon Finds is great for targeted product search – just look at a category like #FoundItOnAmazonFashion to discover recommendations from fashion & beauty influencers.

Finding Storefronts on Social Media Using Hashtags

Influencers actively promote their Amazon Storefronts on social media to drive traffic to their product listings. They tag posts with unique hashtags that followers can easily search to find affiliated links.

For instance, makeup influencer James Charles often shares his latest beauty #AmazonFinds on Instagram and adds tags like #FoundItOnAmazon #AmazonMakeup so fans can purchase his recommendations seamlessly.

Some other examples of top influencers using dedicated Amazon hashtags:

  • @ijustine – #FoundItOnAmazonTech
  • @roysohailkhan – #AmazonHomeFinds
  • @AyeshaCurry – #AmazonKitchenFinds

The most common hashtags are:

  • #FoundItOnAmazon – Used for all types of product recommendations
  • #AmazonFashionFinds – For fashion and beauty finds
  • #AmazonHomeFinds – For home, kitchen, and furniture finds
  • #AmazonToyFinds – For toys and games
  • And niche-specific hashtags like #AmazonSkincareFinds

Dedicated hashtag tracking helps discover hidden gems being pushed by your favorite influencers across social media.

Simply head to your favorite social media platform (Instagram, TikTok, etc.) and explore these hashtags. Click on a product that speaks to you, and voilà! You’ve discovered an influencer’s storefront, ready for further exploration.

Finding Influencer Storefronts Using Influencer Marketing Platforms

Influencer marketing platforms like Grin, Upfluence, and AspireIQ make it easy to identify and collaborate with influencers who actively promote products through their own Amazon Stores.

For example, food blogger @spoonfulofflavor on Upfluence has an Amazon Shop where she curates her favorite cookware finds. Brands can partner with her to get product recommendations featured in her Storefront.

Here is a step-by-step process to find influencers with Amazon Stores on such platforms:

Sign Up on Platform: Create an account on Grin, Upfluence, etc. Access is usually free

Use Search Filters: These sites allow filtering influencers by location, niche, content type, etc.

Filter By Amazon Program: Special filters help shortlist influencers registered as Amazon Influencers

Vet Profiles Thoroughly: Check for Amazon badges on the profile, info on collab history, audience demographics, etc. to identify the right fit

Outreach Campaign: Engage shortlisted influencers by sending them personalized collaboration messages at scale

Join the Amazon Influencer Hunt!

And that’s a wrap! I’ve shared all my best tips on how to discover amazing Amazon storefronts from your favorite influencers.

Whether you’re looking for viral kitchen tools, cute baby clothes, or cool gaming gear – there’s an expert influencer curating top finds in every category. Follow a few who match your style so you never miss their latest drops and deals!

I hope you found this guide helpful. Now you can shop on Amazon like an influencer pro – just don’t forget to use those hashtags and livestreams.

Have you scored any exciting products from influencer storefronts recently? Share your #AmazonFinds in the comments. I’d love to check out your gems too!

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