How to Find YouTube Micro Influencer? My Gudelines

Hey there! I know how tricky it can be to find the perfect YouTube influencers to partner with. There are just so many potential creators out there! As someone who’s worked with several brands on influencer campaigns, let me walk you through the strategies I’ve seen work.

In this guide, I’ll share the free tools and paid platforms brands use to discover micro influencers. I’ll also give you my best tips for how to vet creators properly, reach out to start relationships and track campaign performance. My goal is to help you find authentic influencer matches to meet your marketing goals! Let’s get started.

Free Methods to Find YouTube Micro-Influencers

There are several free methods brands can use to identify potential YouTube micro-influencers. This includes leveraging YouTube’s built-in search and filtering options, monitoring social media conversations, analyzing competitors’ influencer partnerships, and more.

YouTube Search

One easy way to find micro influencers on YouTube is by using relevant keywords and filtering search results by low subscriber count, which indicates nano or micro-sized channels. 

Start by typing in keywords related to your brand or niche. Let’s say you’re a sustainable clothing company. Keywords like eco-friendly fashion haul, vegan clothing review, or ethical fashion tips can be your treasure map. Don’t just hit enter and call it a day! Explore the Filters option. Refine your search by subscriber count, upload date, or even video length. Remember, micro-influencers usually have between 1,000 and 100,000 subscribers, so adjust your filters accordingly. Bonus points for checking the Sort by option and choosing Relevance instead of View count. This way, you’ll stumble upon hidden gems that might not have millions of views but boast highly engaged communities.

Google Search

Google reveals influencers through broad keyword searches and alerts about rising stars in your niche. Don’t underestimate the power of the OG search engine. Search for terms like best YouTube micro-influencers in [your niche] or [your niche] influencers to follow. Websites and articles dedicated to micro-influencers will pop up, offering curated lists and insights. But don’t blindly trust every listicle; do your own research! Click on the influencer’s channel, watch their videos, and get a feel for their vibe and audience. Remember, you’re looking for a brand champion, not just another pretty face.

Social Media Listening

Social media is the ultimate gossip mill, and you, my friend, are about to become a master eavesdropper. Head over to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook groups related to your niche. Use relevant hashtags and search for keywords like [your niche] recommendations or [your niche] influencers you love. Pay attention to who people are mentioning, who they’re tagging, and what they’re saying about them. If a specific micro-influencer’s name keeps popping up, bingo! You’ve struck gold. 

Bonus tip: Engage with the conversations, ask questions, and get a feel for the community dynamics. These interactions can provide valuable insights into the influencer’s reach and influence.

Analyze Competitor Campaigns

See who your competitors partner with for influencer marketing. Check out what your competitors are doing. See who they’re partnering with on YouTube, what kind of content they’re creating together, and how the audience is responding. This can be a goldmine of inspiration, or a cautionary tale, depending on the execution. Learn from their successes and adapt their strategies to fit your brand identity. Just remember, don’t be a copycat! Find your own unique voice and collaboration style.

Paid Tools to Discover Youtube Micro Influencers

Dedicated influencer marketing platforms use data analytics to match brands with relevant talent. YouTube Analytics provides robust filtering to identify niche influencers directly on the platform.

Influencer Marketing Platforms

Influencer marketing platforms use data analytics to help match brands with relevant influencer talent. Platforms like Upfluence, AspireIQ, and Traackr act as your personal Cupid for the world of micro-influencers. They allow you to filter creators based on demographics, interests, and even past brand partnerships. You can access detailed analytics on their audience engagement, video performance, and brand affinity.

YouTube Analytics

Use it to research specific micro-influencers by analyzing their channel demographics, engagement metrics, and video performance. See which types of content resonate with their audience, identify their most popular video topics, and gauge their overall reach and influence. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and choose micro-influencers who perfectly align with your brand goals.

Best Practices for Choosing YouTube Micro Influencers

Selecting the right influencer partners is crucial for campaign success. When evaluating potential YouTube micro influencers, keep these best practices in mind:

Ensure Quality Over Quantity of Followers

Micro-influencers tend to have smaller but more engaged followings compared to mega-influencers. Focus on engagement metrics instead of vanity follower counts alone:

  • uncheckedHigh comments and likes per post show an invested audience. Industry averages are around 2-5% engagement rates.
  • uncheckedA loyal community of fans who regularly interact and seem to know the creator personally reflects a stronger influence.
  • uncheckedAccording to a study by Markerly, influencers with under 1M followers garner likes at a 4.5% rate compared to just 2.4% for influencers with over 1M fans.

Review Content Quality and Consistency

Study their current channel content to determine compatibility and commitment:

  • uncheckedLook for clear audio, smooth editing, and high-quality cinematography.
  • uncheckedPosting consistency of at least 1-2 new videos per week keeps fans engaged and indicates commitment.
  • uncheckedScan their content library for brand partnership experiences like sponsored reviews and seamless integration of branded call-to-actions.
  • uncheckedRelevant niche content optimized for their target audience signals they can create videos tailored for your brand too.

Align with Your Brand Values and Story

The best partnerships embody an authentic brand endorsement:

  • uncheckedDo they attract the age ranges, regions, interests, and demographics you want to reach?
  • uncheckedDoes their content tone, aesthetics, and values complement your brand image?
  • uncheckedStudy their comments to see if they have cultivated an invested community in your target market.

Alignment of values and niches results in seamless, trust-building partnership promotions.

Analyze Their Audience Interests and Demographics

Leverage social listening and analytics to confirm the influencer’s followers match your audience:

  • uncheckedFacebook and Instagram Insights provide demographic data.
  • uncheckedYouTube Analytics reveals traffic sources, viewers’ ages, locations, and devices used.
  • uncheckedHashtags and keywords show what topics their fans are interested in.

YouTube and social data help segment audiences so you can choose the best fit.

Evaluate Past Campaigns and Partner Reviews

Vetting experience helps mitigate partnership risk:

  • uncheckedGoogle their name plus “scam” or “fake” to uncover any brand controversies.
  • uncheckedAsk for case studies and testimonials from past brand partners.
  • uncheckedCheck that they properly disclose sponsorships per FTC guidelines. Transparency is a must.
  • uncheckedRequest examples of organic and sponsored content they created to assess quality.

This due diligence confirms they are professional, reputable, and a good match before investing a budget in the partnership.


And there you have my top tips for partnering with YouTube micro influencers! The key is taking a strategic approach – using the right discovery tools, vetting process, and relationship building. Done right, influencer campaigns can be a game-changer for your brand’s growth. I hope you found this guide helpful. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! I’m always happy to chat more about optimizing your influencer strategy.

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