How to Message Influencers to Promote Your Product? Full Guide

As a professional in such industries, I know the struggles of finding the perfect influencers to promote products. It’s tough to craft messages that grab their attention in a sea of pitches. But with the right research and personalized outreach, I’ve been able to score awesome influencer partnerships. In this article, I’ll share my proven tips to get influencers to say yes!

The key is to personalize your ask in a way that highlights value for the influencer and their followers. Tactful messaging to influencers requires research, creativity, and empathy. Follow these best practices to get influencers to say yes to your promotion request.

First and Foremost, Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

Choosing the most relevant influencers for your brand is essential for successful partnerships. Take the time to identify influencers who are a natural fit and can authentically represent your product to their engaged followers.

Target Market & Brand Values

Search for influencers who create content for your target demographic. Analyze the age, gender, interests, and other attributes of an influencer’s audience to ensure alignment with your customers.

Beyond demographics, look for influencers whose content focuses on topics related to your product and brand values. An influencer who embodies your brand identity and ethos is more likely to attract your perfect customers.

Influencer Research

Thorough influencer research goes beyond vanity metrics like followers and likes. Take a deep dive into the quality and engagement of an influencer’s audience.

  • Look for influencers with high engagement rates – comments and likes per post show an invested audience.
  • Ensure most followers are real people, not bots or inactive accounts.
  • Check that followers are the target demographic for your brand.
  • See if followers actively ask questions and are receptive to comments.

Content Analysis

Analyze an influencer’s existing content and brand partnerships. This gives insight into the style of posts and promotions that perform best for their followers.

  • Review a few recent posts to see what engages their audience.
  • Note what brands they have partnered with previously.
  • Look for content gaps your brand could fill.

Offer Design

Use your research findings to design partnership offers tailored to each influencer. Consider what assets or resources would help them create compelling branded content.

Potential offers could include:

  • Free products to feature
  • Exclusive content like brand photos or videos
  • Access to experiences related to your brand
  • Creative flexibility for the influencer to showcase products as they wish

The goal is to provide value to the influencer while enabling authentic content that excites their audience.

Create a Convincing Message that Attracts Influencers

With your research complete, it’s time to reach out. A well-crafted message goes a long way in getting an influencer’s attention.

Personalizing Your Message for Authentic Connection

Avoid generic outreach that will likely be ignored. Personalize your message to show the influencer you truly know and appreciate them.

Start by addressing them directly and complimenting recent content you enjoyed. Reference specifics like a post topic, video title, or product they shared to demonstrate you’re a real engaged follower.

Then organically introduce yourself, your brand, and the collaboration opportunity.

Intrigue them with a compelling and personalized subject line like:

  • [Influencer Name] x [Your Brand] = 🤝
  • Hey [Name]! Let’s Partner?
  • We’d Love Your Review of [Product]

The goal is to grab their attention and spark curiosity to open.

Here are a few examples of great first sentences:

  • That smoothie bowl you posted looks incredible! The color combos are so vibrant. I’m Emily from Fruitiful, by the way.
  • Your camping tips are super helpful – building a fire has always stressed me out. I’m Jacob from Adventure Outfitters.
  • As a busy mom, I feel you on the snack struggles! Those energy bites you made look perfect. I’m Sarah with Nourish Bites.

This approach establishes familiarity and rapport right off the bat before getting into the partnership details. It’s an organic way to connect versus a cold sales pitch.

Get to the Point Quickly

Respect the influencer’s time by getting to the point promptly. Introduce your brand, product and partnership vision within the first few sentences.

There’s no need for a lengthy brand overview. Share just enough context so the opportunity is clear.

For example:

“We would love for you to share your experience with our new luxury skincare products. We are offering $800 compensation for:

  • 1 sponsored Instagram feed post
  • 2 stories showcasing the products.

We will provide the entire skincare range (valued at $300 retail) for you to try out and feature as desired.

Let me know if you have any other ideas for fun branded content! We aim to make this a rewarding collaboration for us both.”

Consider an upfront gifting fee plus added bonuses for successful conversions or sales. This incentivizes great content while ensuring the influencer’s time is valued.

Highlighting the Value Proposition for their Audience

Focus on explaining why this partnership is valuable for the influencer’s followers specifically. Share key features or brand elements you think their audience would appreciate.

Show you considered what makes engaging content for them, not just what you want to promote.

Offering Creative Freedom for Authentic Brand Representation

To ease any concerns, important to highlight that the influencer has complete creative control. They likely know what resonates best with their followers.

Provide suggestions for content types or angles, but avoid dictating rigid requirements. Keep the partnership collaborative.

Including a Clear Call to Action for Easy Response

Close your message with a clear CTA like “Let me know if you are interested in collaborating” or “Does this partnership opportunity appeal to you?”

Make it easy for the influencer to respond either way. Don’t assume or pressure agreement.

Do’s and Dont’s for Successful Influencer Outreach

Follow these guidelines to ensure your messages inspire action from influencers instead of turning them off:

1✅ Personalize messages with an influencer’s name and content specifics❌ Send bulk generic messages without personal details
2✅ Demonstrate you did your homework on their brand and audience interests❌ Make it all about your brand wishes and needs
3✅ Highlight potential value for the influencer’s followers❌ Dictate rigid requirements for branded content
4✅ Provide creative flexibility for branded content❌ Assume an influencer will automatically say yes
5✅ Have a clear and simple call to action❌ Use pushy sales language or apply pressure
❌ Use influencers’ insta comment boxes as an outreach channel.

With the right influencer research and messaging approach in place, you can attract exciting partners to help your business reach new customers. Focus on value, collaboration, and creative freedom. When influencers sense thoughtful partnership potential, they will be eager to work with your brand.

Template Ideas for Email and Instagram DMs

Here are email and Instagram DM templates tailored for different influencer tiers, incorporating subject lines, introductions, value propositions, and calls to action:

Nano Influencers Email Templates

Subject: Passionate [niche interest] community – would [Your Product] be a good fit?

Hi [Influencer Name],

Your passion for [niche interest] really shines through in your content! I’m [Your Name], founder of [Your Brand Name], and we create [brief product description].

I think [Your Product] would be a great fit for your engaged community because [highlight specific benefits aligning with their interests].

Would you be open to trying it out and sharing your thoughts with your followers?

Looking forward to connecting!


[Your Name]

Micro Influencers Email Templates

Subject: Engaged audience for [relevant topic] – let’s collaborate on your next video!

Hey [Influencer Name],

I’m a big fan of your [relevant content type] on [relevant topic]. Your audience is super engaged, and I think they’d love to learn about [Your Product].

We’re looking for creative collaborators to showcase [Your Product] in their unique way. Would you be interested in partnering on a video where you could share your thoughts and experiences?

Let me know if you’re open to exploring ideas!


[Your Name]

Macro Influencers Email Templates

Subject: Reach millions with your authentic voice – [Your Brand] wants to partner!

Hi [Influencer Name],

I’m reaching out from [Your Brand Name] because we’re huge admirers of your work and the impact you have on your audience.

We’re launching [Your Product], and we believe it aligns perfectly with your values and the lifestyle you promote. We’d love to explore a partnership where you could introduce [Your Product] to your audience in a way that’s true to your brand.

Would you be open to discussing potential collaboration ideas?

Excited to connect!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Influencer Product Gifting Email

Subject: A little thank you and a chance to try [Your Product]!

Hi [Influencer Name],

I’m a huge fan of your work on [platform], especially your passion for [shared interest]. You consistently create informative and entertaining content that truly resonates with your audience.

At [Your Brand Name], we create [brief product description]. We believe [Your Product] aligns perfectly with your values and your audience’s interests because [highlight specific benefits].

We’d love to send you a complimentary [Your Product] to try out and share your thoughts with your followers. We trust your genuine and authentic voice to showcase its value.

No pressure to post anything, but if you do, we’d love to see your creative take on [Your Product]! Just tag us at [@yourbrand handle].

Thank you for your inspiration, and we look forward to connecting further.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Host an Epic Giveaway with Us!

Subject: Partner with us to host a [Your Product] giveaway for your awesome audience!

Hi [Influencer Name],

We’re launching [Your Product] and we’re looking for passionate creators like you to help us spread the word. We were drawn to your engaged community and genuine connection with your followers, and we think hosting a giveaway with [Your Product] would be a perfect fit.

We’d be happy to provide you with [number] of [Your Product] to give away to your lucky followers. We can also collaborate on creative giveaway ideas that fit your brand and style.

In return, we’d love for you to promote the giveaway on your [platform] channels and encourage your followers to participate. This is a great opportunity to boost your engagement, build excitement for [Your Product], and reward your loyal audience.

If you’re interested, let’s chat further about the details! We’re excited to hear your ideas.


[Your Name]

Let’s Create Some Magic Together! (Collaborating)

Subject: Let’s create something amazing together with [Your Product]!

Hi [Influencer Name],

At [Your Brand Name], we’re always looking for talented creators to collaborate with and spread the word about our innovative products. We’ve been huge fans of your work on [platform], and we’re impressed by your ability to tell compelling stories and engage your audience.

We believe your creative vision and expertise would be a perfect match for [Your Product] because [highlight specific reasons for collaboration]. We have a campaign idea in mind, but we’re also open to hearing your thoughts and suggestions.

We’re offering a competitive compensation package for this collaboration, which includes [outline payment details]. This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity, reach a wider audience, and earn while doing what you love.

If you’re interested in learning more and discussing potential collaboration ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re eager to create something amazing together!


[Your Name]

Brand Ambassador Collaboration Template

Subject: Join us as a Brand Ambassador for [Your Brand Name]!

Hi [Influencer Name],

We’re searching for passionate advocates to represent [Your Brand Name] and embody our values of [list brand values]. You consistently shine through on [platform] with your [positive qualities], and we believe your authentic voice and connection with your audience would be invaluable to our brand.

We’re offering an exciting Brand Ambassador program that includes [outline program benefits, e.g., exclusive product access, early access to launches, special discounts, and content creation opportunities]. In return, we’d like you to be a loyal advocate for our brand, wear [Your Product], and share your genuine experiences with your followers.

If you’re someone who believes in [Your Brand Name] and wants to be a part of our journey, we’d love to hear from you. Please tell us why you think you’d be a perfect fit as our Brand Ambassador.

We’re confident this partnership would be mutually beneficial, and we can’t wait to see what we can achieve together!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Instagram DM Templates

Hey [Influencer Name],

Loved your recent post about [mention something specific]. Your [positive quality] and genuine approach are so inspiring!

I’m from [Your Brand Name], and we create [briefly describe your product]. I think your audience would really love [explain the benefits].

Would you be open to trying out [Your Product] and sharing your thoughts with your followers? We’d be happy to send you one!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


[Your Brand Name]

End Notes

So there you have it – the best practices for messaging influencers. Trust me, taking the time to tailor your asks goes such a long way. I hope these tips help you land some amazing collaborations! Anyway, if you are looking for hassle-free influencer outreach for your product, do knock us out today! Thanks for reading, guys!

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